
About Prof. Jamar

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About Professor Steven D. Jamar

Associate Director for Scholarly Initiatives, Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice (IIPSJ)
Prof. Emeritus Howard University School of Law

B.A., 1975, Carleton College
J.D., 1979, Hamline College of Law (now Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
LL.M., 1994, International and Comparative Law, Georgetown University Law Center

Professor, Howard University School of Law (1990-2021) (emeritus 2021-present)

Professor Jamar formally retired from full-time teaching at the end of the 2020-21 academic year and is now professor emeritus at Howard University School of Law.
Professor Jamar joined the HUSL faculty in 1990 as Director of the Legal Reasoning, Research, & Writing Program, a position he held from 1990 to 2002. During that time he was a recognized national leader in legal writing instruction, serving as president of the Legal Writing Institute in 1997-98 and in other leadership capacities.
He has taught a wide variety of courses at HUSL and elsewhere including among others Constituional Law, Copyrights, AI & the Law, Introduction to Intellectual Property, International Law of Human Rights, IP in International Business Transactions, Contracts, Licensing, UCC, Computer Law, LRRW I & II, Drafting, Civil Litigation Clinic, and ADR.

Prof. Jamar served as the Associate Director of the Howard Intellectual Property Program (HIPP) from 2002 to 2021. Prof. Lateef Mtima is the HIPP Director. HIPP addresses the relationship between intellectual property and social justice and works to improve the opportunities for HUSL students to enter IP practice. HIPP performs its mission in a number of ways including supporting relevant scholarship, involving HUSL students in IP courses and issues, designing the IP curriculum, sponsoring student internships, CLE instruction in IP to practicing attorneys, and advocacy on IP issues with a significant social justice component.

Prof. Jamar is the Associate Director for Scholarly Initiatives of the Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice, Inc., (IIPSJ), an NGO dedicated to advancing access, inclusion, and empowerment in IP-related matters for traditionally marginalized and excluded people.

Prof. Jamar's scholarly work is wide ranging. His more recent work has concentrated on various aspects of social justice and intellectual property including the relationship of intellectual property law and administration to international human rights; copyright in the social networking context; the relationships among IP, social justice, entrepreneurship, and economic empowerment; and the importance of a social justice underpinning for an IP Institute. He is the author of a Constitutional Law coursebook, Constitutional Law: Power, Liberty, Equality (Aspen/Wolters Kluwer 2017) designed more for students than scholars.

His most recent scholarly project was co-editing with Prof. Lateef Mtima the book: The Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property and Social Justice (2024) on IP and social justice with chapters being contributed by many top IP scholars.

Other scholarly work includes having presented a paper on the international human right of freedom of religion at an Oxford Round Table Conference at Oxford University in 2002 and publishing articles and making presentations in the areas of comparative law, legal rhetoric, ADR, Brown v. Board of Education, and international human rights. Many of his works are available for download from his SSRN author's page at http://ssrn.com/author=812426 and through Research Gate at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Steven-Jamar/research.

Another significant project to which Prof. Jamar contributed was the Howard University commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Prof. Jamar was a member of the Brown@50 Planning Committee and was the webmaster and lead author for the content on the website created for that project.

Professor Jamar consulted with the Law Library of Congress on its GLIN (Global Legal Information Network) project between 2000 and 2004. In that effort he was one of the authors of an early version of an xml dtd for GLIN.  At the 2003 GLIN Annual Meeting of member countries from throughout the world, he was the moderator of a panel on the right of access to legal information.

In the late 1990s he consulted with NASA and the Law Library of Congress on the ELIS (Environmental Legal Information System) project.  The ELIS investigators explored the use of computer-related technology and the Internet to link environmentally-related data, including both GIS information and remote sensing data (such as satellite-generated images), to environmental treaties, laws, and regulations in order to make the information more accessible to environmental policy makers, environmental planners, and environmental law enforcement offices worldwide. 

Selected Publications

A Social Justice Perspective on IP Protection for Artificial Intelligence Programs, ch. __ in Steven D. Jamar and Lateef Mtima, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property and Social Justice (Cambridge U. Press 2024) http://ssrn.com/abstract=3964972

Trade Secrets from an IP Social Justice Perspective, ch. __ in Steven D. Jamar and Lateef Mtima, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property and Social Justice (Cambridge U. Press 2024)  http://ssrn.com/abstract=3964977

Introduction: Intellectual Property Social Justice Theory: History, Development, and Description, ch. __ in Steven D. Jamar and Lateef Mtima, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property and Social Justice (Cambridge U. Press 2024)

A Social Justice Perspective on Intellectual Property Protection for Folk Music, coauthored with Prof. Lateef Mtima, chapter xx in Handbook of Music Law and Policy, Sean O'Connor, editor (Oxford University Press 2021)  http://ssrn.com/abstract=3964952 

Researching Social Justice Aspects of Intellectual Property, co-authored with Professor Lateef Mtima, ch. 42 in Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives, Irene Calboli and Maria Lillà Montagnani, editors (Oxford University Press 2021) http://ssrn.com/abstract=3964965 

Constitutional Law: Power, Liberty, Equality (Wolters Kluwer 2017)

When the Author Owns the World: Copyright Issues Arising from Monetizing Fan Fiction, 1 Tex. A & M L. Rev. 959 (2014) Co-authored with Christen B’anca Glenn

A Social Justice Perspective on the Role of Copyright in Realizing International Human Rights, 25 Pac. McGeorge Global Bus. & Development L.J. 289 (2012)

Co-author with Prof. Lateef Mtima, A Social Justice Perspective on Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 in Megan Carpenter, ed., Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies: The Role of Law (Elgar Law and Entrepreneurship Series 2012)

Religious Use of Copyrighted Works after Smith, RFRA, and Eldred, 32 Cardozo L. Rev. 1879 (2011)

Co-author with Prof. Lateef Mtima, Fulfilling the Copyright Social Justice Promise: Digitizing Textual Information, 55 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 77-108 (2010)

Crafting Copyright Law to Encourage and Protect User-Generated Content in the Internet Social Networking Context, 19 Widener L.J. 843-872 (2010)

Resolving Intellectual Property License Disputes Out of Court, 24 (no. 9) The Computer and Internet Lawyer 24-33 (Sept. 2007)

Webmaster and author of most of the original works on the Brown@50 website including a brief history of Brown v. Board of Education, biographies of some of the key players involved, and an annotated chronology relating to Brown (2004-2016).

Copyright and the Public Interest from the Perspective of Brown v. Board of Education, 48 How. L. J. 629-657 (2005)

Aristotle Teaches Persuasion: The Psychic Connection, 8 Scribes 61-102 (2001-2002)

A Lawyering Approach to Law and Development, 27 N.C. J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 31-66 (2001)

Accommodating Religion at Work: A Principled Approach to Title VII and Religious Freedom 40 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 719-832 (1996) (introduction)

The International Human Right to Health, 22 Southern U. L. Rev. 1-68 (1994) (abstract)

The Protection of Intellectual Property under Islamic Law, 21 Cap. U. L. Rev. 1079-1106 (1992)(abstract)

last updated 11 February 2025